Ultimate Guide to Baby Sleep

Ultimate Guide to Baby Sleep

Ultimate guide to baby sleep: How to make baby sleep 

Essentially, the term baby sleep means to sleep very well. But here, we will be discussing the sleep cycle and routine for newborns which will help them to ultimately have a good sleep.

For a second, stop and just immerse yourselves in the shoes of a young one. They luxuriously spend 16 hours of the daily 24 hours taking a long, comfortable nap. This time frame has an extensive impact on their physical and cognitive development; overall delineating a solid basis for their healthy weight increase and ensuring a robust immune system.

Interestingly, the sleeping pattern of every baby varies drastically. Resultantly, anxiety and stress often envelopes the lives of most first-time parents, who demonstrate concern when their child is unable to sleep for a substantial number of hours.

Watching children wail every night often reflects the inner turmoil mothers face when they have to make the difficult decision of continuing work or dedicating their lives to becoming stay-at-home moms. Despite whichever direction they incline towards, one fact remains cemented: they no longer have ample amount of time for themselves.

Mothers experience insomnia because of heightened stress for the baby and of course, also to take care of their baby when they wake up crying in the middle of the night. An imbalance of hormones increased stress levels and decreased sleep levels results in lower productivity and in extreme cases, mental health problems in addition to sleep problems. Mothers have enough to worry about!

Ensuring the provision of high-end and high-quality products becomes a change as they are often fairly expensive. But fret not, mothers! We are here for you, a glimmer of hope to smoothen your journey into motherhood. 


Baby sleeping hours

An infant sleeps for most of the day and night, only waking up to eat every few hours. It can be difficult for new parents to determine how long and how often their infant should sleep. Unfortunately, there is no established routine at first, and many babies have difficulty distinguishing between days and nights.

In general, babies sleep around 8 to 9 hours during the day and approximately 8 hours at night. They must, however, wake up every few hours to eat since they have a tiny stomach. Until at least 3 months of age, most newborns do not sleep through the night (6 to 8 hours). However, this varies greatly. Some babies do not sleep through and wake up in the middle of the night until they are around one year old. In most circumstances, your baby will wake up every three hours and be ready to eat. The frequency with which your baby eats is determined by the food they are given and their age.

When babies rub their eyes, yawn, or start to fuss, they are trying to indicate that they are ready for sleep. We will provide you with a month to month overview of sleep schedules of babies so that you can be aware and ready of your babies sleep routine.

Months 1-3:

Most newborns at this age require at least 15 hours of total sleep over the course of a 24-hour period. At this age, we should expect at least 10 hours of sleep at night and 3 to 5 naps each day, however there is still a great deal of variation. Sleep is still a crucial aspect of a baby's growth.

Your three-month-old should obtain 4 to 5 hours of sleep on average during the day, divided into 3 to 5 naps. At this age, short naps are still developmentally acceptable, thus 30 minutes naps are typical, as are longer 1 - 2 hour naps. If your baby takes longer naps on a regular basis, their wake windows will likely be longer as well, suggesting they may be content with just three naps a day. On the other hand, if your kid just takes a few short naps during the day, they may require five naps to get to sleep comfortably. We expect babies to need a sleep after 60 to 120 minutes of awake time at this age.

Months 4-6:

Your baby's internal clock has begun to function, and they are able to distinguish between day and night. They should be on their way to developing a regular baby sleeping hours.

Babies require an average of 14 hours of sleep every day at this time. They can sleep for eight hours at night without eating for four months, and by five months, they can sleep for ten or eleven hours. During the day, both 4-month-olds and 5-month-olds will sleep for four to five hours, spread out across three naps.

Babies need an average of 11 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night at 6 months, as well as 3.5 hours of daytime naps spaced out across two to three naps.

Months 7-9:

By the time your infant is seven months old, his or her sleep pattern is more like that of an adult, which implies fewer night waking. If they wake up in the middle of the night, most newborns by the age of 8 to 9 months are able to go back to sleep. Some newborns, however, may need to be nursed or bottle-fed in order to sleep again.

A baby's pattern does not vary significantly after 6 months. An infant may sleep 3-4 times per day during the first 7 to 9 months of life. Morning, midday, and late-afternoon naps are the three types of naps. Your baby may be sleeping for three to four hours during the day, stretched out across three to four naps. From the age of seven months onwards, babies sleep for longer periods of time at night. They have the ability to sleep for 11 to 14 hours at a time at night. While some newborns sleep through without waking up in the middle of the night, others may need to be fed.

Months 10-12:

At this stage, newborns sleep for around 2-3 hours during the day, split between morning and evening naps. During the day, your baby may have one to three naps, each lasting half an hour to two hours. Babies sleep 11-14 hours every night between the ages of 10 and 12 months. It is critical for parents to ensure that their kid gets enough sleep for their good growth.

Why can’t babies sleep at night?

There are many possible reasons why babies may wake up in the middle of the night which ultimately is tiresome for both the baby and the parents. 


In the first five months of life, babies grow and develop so rapidly that their weight doubles. All of this growth is hard and energy-intensive. Because their little bellies can't store much at a time, babies need to be fed every few hours or so. Since their growth spurts during this time, they generally tend to have a higher demand for food. While breastfeeding, sometimes the baby is not latching on or insufficient milk is being produced which may make the baby hungry. Because they want to sleep or be cuddled, some newborns will want to breastfeed or bottle feed even if they aren't hungry. Sucking helps them relax, and it also draws your attention to them.


Teething occurs when your baby's teeth begin to emerge from beneath the gum line. Teething usually begins between the ages of 4 and 7 months, however some babies begin much later. There's no need to be concerned if your kid's teeth appear on a different schedule; every infant is different. Teething may cause swollen gums, increased drooling, coughing, fussiness and crying. Babies want to chew because it can sometimes help soothe their tender gums. Sucking helps relieve discomfort and distracts your baby from teething issues, so he or she may appear to want to eat. 


Babies are unable to adjust to variations in temperature as effectively as adults. Babies lose heat at a rate roughly four times quicker than adults. Body fat levels are low in premature and low-birth-weight newborns. Even in a warm atmosphere, babies may not be equipped to regulate their own temperature. Because babies are so young and their bodies are still growing, they are particularly sensitive to fluctuations in ambient temperature. The recommended temperature for babies is between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. 

Types of sleeping arrangements:

There are many sleeping arrangements for newborns but deciding which sleeping arrangements is most appropriate for your infant is very important. Parents may find the family bed appealing for a variety of reasons, but it comes with concerns, the most serious of which is that it increases your baby's risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Having your baby sleep in your room in her own cot or bassinet, on the other hand, can help prevent SIDS and make night wakings and feedings simpler to handle.

Here, we list out a few common sleeping arrangements for newborns and its pros and cons which will help you choose a sleeping arrangement for your child. 

  1. Co-sleeping: Co-sleeping refers to sleeping in close proximity to your infant, either in the same bed or in a neighbouring room (room-sharing). Co-sleeping is a safe option to co-sleep with your baby, when she sleeps in your bedroom in her own crib, bassinet, or playard. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you and your baby share a room until she is at least 6 months old, and maybe until her first birthday. This arrangement helps in falling asleep independently without developing a sleep crutch but also prevents death from SIDS and risk of suffocation.
  2. Bed Sharing: Bed Sharing is when the baby sleeps in the same bed with their parents. AAP does not recommend bed sharing because it increases the risk of suffocation and SIDS. With bed sharing, your baby might develop a sleep crutch and display anxious behaviours since they have a hard time falling asleep without a parent nearby. However, this arrangement helps the child feel safe and secure and it also makes nighttime feedings quick and easy.


How to make baby sleep at night: the sleep environment

Your baby's physical and emotional well-being are dependent on good sleeping patterns. The sleep environment – where your child sleeps, the sort of crib or bed, the type of mattress, and so on – is a crucial aspect of developing appropriate sleeping patterns.

The risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), which occurs when a baby less than one year of age dies unexpectedly while sleeping, can also be reduced by creating a safe sleep environment. 

Here are some ways which can help parents create a safe sleep environment for their babies:

  1. To lower the risk of SIDS, always put your infant to sleep, nap, and at night on his or her back.
  2. Use a solid and flat sleep surface, such as a mattress in a safety-approved crib, with no extra bedding or soft things in the sleep area, and cover it with a fitted sheet.
  3. You and the baby should share a room. Keep your baby in your room, near your bed, but on a separate surface designated for babies, preferably for the first year, but at the very least for the first six months.
  4. Soft items, toys, crib bumpers, or loose bedding should not be placed beneath, over, or in the baby's sleeping area. Make sure nothing covers the baby’s head. 
  5. Do not smoke during pregnancy, and do not smoke or allow smoking in the vicinity of your baby or in the surroundings of your infant.
  6. To lower the risk of SIDS, consider giving your infant a pacifier for naps and nocturnal sleep.
  7. Do not let your baby get too hot during sleep.
  8. A warm bath will help your baby relax, and a familiar aroma, like the lavender scent featured in Johnson's and Moisture Wash, can really help your baby relax and prepare for sleep.
  9. White noise aids in baby sleep. Reduce the volume of your white noise to roughly the same as a shower (65-70 dB) after your infant is peaceful to maintain the soothing reaction.

    Other sleeping tools and associations


    A baby lounger is a cushion or nest that wraps around and supports your little one. These products can let you multitask or simply take a break while soothing and relaxing your infant. Baby loungers are safe to use as long as the infant is kept awake and constantly watched. Instead of being put on a bed or table, the lounger should be positioned on the floor. In addition, a baby lounger should not be used in cribs, bassinets, or for co-sleeping. Loungers are very easy to set up. All you need is a flat surface. They are portable and very easy to clean. They also keep the parents hands free and provide support for the baby. However, they have limited use as they can only be used for about 4 months or until the baby can push himself up.

    The two most popular brands for baby loungers are DockATot and SnuggleMe. They are baby loungers for babies between 0 and 8 months old. They're soft structures with rounded sides that provide a comfortable place for your infant to relax. They're designed to be used as multipurpose "stations" for supervised play, resting, tummy time, snuggle time, and even diaper changes. DockATot comes with a padded bottom and is slightly larger than SnuggleMe but does not have the hugging effect provided by SnuggleMe making SnuggleMe ideal for babies who love to be swaddled. DockATot are made with breathable materials and their covers are machine washable and dryable but are expensive. SnuggleMe are made with organic materials and are relatively less expensive but their covers must be hung dry.


    Ergonomic Mattress:

    For babies, good mattresses make night time more enjoyable. They also aid in the development of your baby's physique. Baby mattresses, unlike kid or adult mattresses, should be quite firm. Soft sleeping surfaces can cause suffocation and raise the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in your newborn. 

    There are many different kinds of mattresses available. Foam mattresses are generally less expensive and vary in thickness and densities. Thickness can be a personal choice but you should always go for denser foam mattresses. Innerspring mattresses are relatively more expensive but are also more durable. More coils in an innerspring mattress means a firmer mattress. The wire's gauge is also important. Lower gauges indicate thicker wire, which might result in a firmer mattress. Look for a mattress that has at least 135 coils and a gauge of less than 15.5.

    Organic mattresses made of organic cotton or natural wool are very expensive. They are free of the chemicals and industrial components that some parents believe might cause hazardous gas emissions or allergic responses in children. Look for the GREENGUARD certification, which evaluates the mattress's chemical emissions. 

    If you don't buy a certified mattress, keep it outside in a dry spot for a few days to allow off-gassing to occur. This permits any harmful substances to dissipate before entering your house.

    Cot bumpers:

    Cot bumpers are essentially cotton pads that lie on the edge of the cot to prevent the infant from hitting his head on the side of the cot. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends parents to not use cot bumpers because they are a hazard for choking, suffocation and strangulation and may be linked to SIDS.

    Soft Toys:

    Soft toys can provide the ideal combination for developing sensory abilities while also boosting social and emotional growth in babies. It is very important to teach your baby to comprehend the diverse colours, sizes, and textures of the world around them at an early age, and soft toys are a great way for them to try new things.

    Soft toys can provide comfort and familiarity to newborns. They can also assist newborns in self-soothing. A soft toy by their side might help them seek solace and create the illusion that they are with a loved one when confronted with difficult conditions. They also help babies develop their language and communication skills. 

    Babies are also encouraged to care for others and enjoy the presence of relationships through soft toys. It teaches them the value of empathy and compassion, as well as satisfies their need to care for others.

    When purchasing soft toys for newborns, ensure they are acceptable for children under the age of twelve months. Because a baby's natural tendency is to explore with their mouths, it's critical that there be no little components or loose fibres that might cause choking.

    Baby pillow:

    Pillows and other soft bedding items can cause suffocation or strangulation, which increases the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Snuggling against a pillow can also cause your infant to overheat, which is another factor that can lead to SIDS. Your child’s development is a major factor in deciding when they can use a pillow. Ideally, you should wait until the baby is 2 years old to allow them to use a pillow.

    Baby blankets:

    Throughout childhood, the familiarity of a specific blanket creates a sense of warmth and security. Having a favourite blanket to cuddle with might help relieve tension that you may not be aware your baby is experiencing. Depending on the sort of blanket you have, you may use it to give visual, audio, and tactile stimulation to your baby. Blankets can be used for a variety of purposes:

    1. Receiving blankets: They may be used to swaddle, catch spit-up and drool, put baby down on the floor or an unfamiliar surface, offer a buffer between baby and the outside world, etc.
    2. Security blankets: They are typically made of soft plush or fleece and must be durable since babies tend to hold on to them far into the toddler stage. They provide a sense of comfort and security to the infant.
    3. Swaddling blankets: Swaddling blankets are similar to security blankets in that they keep the infant warm, peaceful, and relaxed by encircling him. They differ, though, in that they come with attachments that zip up and make baby swaddle a breeze. Some swaddling blankets are designed to wrap around the baby's upper half while the bottom is undone for diaper changes. While sleeping, a silky newborn swaddle blanket will keep the baby warm and comfortable.
    4. Crib blankets: Last but not least are the crib blankets that help the baby sleep. They should be chosen first based on comfort and safety and then on style.


    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

    What is SIDS?

    Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexpected death of an apparently healthy newborn under the age of one year, generally while sleeping. Because newborns frequently die in their cribs, SIDS is also known as crib death. SIDS appears to be linked to problems in the part of an infant's brain that governs breathing and waking from sleep, while the origin remains unknown.

    Risk factors for SIDS:

    Researchers have found many variables that may raise a baby's risk of sudden infant death syndrome. They are as follows:

    1. Sex: Boys are significantly more likely than girls to die from SIDS.
    2. Age: Between the second and fourth months of life, infants are most susceptible.
    3. Race: Non-white newborns are more likely than white infants to acquire SIDS for unknown causes.
    4. Family history: SIDS is more likely among babies who have had siblings or relatives die of the disease.
    5. Secondhand smoking: Babies who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to succumb to SIDS.
    6. Being premature: Being preterm and having a low birth weight both raise the risk of SIDS in your infant.

    Why does SIDS occur?

    While the exact aetiology of SIDS is unknown, it is linked to a baby's inability to wake up from sleep to detect low oxygen levels, or build up carbon dioxide in the blood. Exhaled carbon dioxide may be re-breathed by infants who sleep face down. Normally, rising carbon dioxide levels stimulate the brain's respiratory and arousal areas by activating nerve cells in the brainstem. To acquire more oxygen, the infant wakes up, turns his head, and breathes quicker. SIDS babies, on the other hand, may not wake up.

    To explain how SIDS arises, the "Triple-Risk Model" has been presented. SIDS, according to the model, happens when three factors occur at the same time:

    1. The infant has an underlying (e.g., brainstem) defect that prevents him from reacting to low oxygen or high carbon dioxide levels in the blood.
    2. A newborn is exposed to a triggering event, such as lying on its stomach face down.
    3. These occurrences take place at a sensitive period in the development of the newborn, namely the first six months of life.


    Sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, has no known cure. There are, however, techniques to help your infant sleep well. 

    1. Always put your infant to sleep on his or her back for the first year.
    2. Avoid soft pads and blankets in favour of a hard mattress.
    3. Remove any toys and plush animals from the cot, and use a pacifier if necessary.
    4. Don't cover a baby's head, and keep an eye on him or her to make sure he or she doesn't get too hot.
    5. Your child is welcome to sleep in your room, but not in your bed.
    6. SIDS is reduced when a baby is breastfed for at least six months.
    7. Vaccines to protect your infant from illnesses may also aid in the prevention of SIDS. 

    How is SIDS diagnosed?

    If no cause of death can be discovered after a death scene investigation, autopsy, and study of the clinical history, a baby is judged to have died from SIDS. As a result, SIDS is a diagnostic of exclusion: SIDS is only identified as a cause of death after all other causes have been ruled out.

    Parents’ smoking increases the risks of SIDS

    Every year, smoking-related diseases cost the lives of about half a million individuals in the United States. Despite anti-smoking initiatives and medical warnings, more than 6,000 children and teenagers start smoking every day, with half of them becoming habitual smokers. Smoking by pregnant mothers increases the risk of SIDS in their kids. One of the finest things you can do for your baby's — and your own — health is to stop smoking.

    Sleep Training

    Sleep training is a development skill which the babies need to learn by themselves- the process of falling asleep independently.

    When should I start sleep training?

    You should start sleep training at roughly around 4 months because they are old enough to learn how to self soothe and their sleep cycles begin to mature and circadian rhythm starts to take effect. But if unsure about when to start, ask your pediatrician.

    Sleep training is safe as long as your baby is old enough and is in a safe environment. 

    Sleep training techniques:

    1. Cry it out method (CIO): putting your baby to bed when they are tired but still awake so that they can learn the technique of ‘falling asleep independently’. Very important to not pick the baby out of the crib until morning or the next scheduled night feed. 
    2. Ferber method: ferber method works by check and console. Caregivers or parents re-enter the room to check on the babies at timed intervals but do not take the baby out of the crib. The amount of time between the intervals should gradually increase.
    3. Pick up put down: most time consuming method but makes it easier for parents. When the baby cries or makes a noise, go in, pick the baby up, soothe them, put them back in the crib and then leave. 
    4. Chair method: involves a lot of patience and time. When the baby is sleeping, move the chair next to them and sit down and when they fall asleep, leave the room. If they cry, come back and move the chair next to them but don't take them out of the crib. 
    5. Bedtime fading: used in combination with other methods to get your baby on a better sleep schedule. Shift the bedtime by 15 minutes or 30 minutes interval every night to a time closer to their natural bedtime ,i.e, their circadian rhythm. 

    Sleep training tips:

    1. Not all sleep training methods work for babies- just need to find the right combination. But once you find a method, it is important to be consistent with it.
    2. Parents and caregivers have an important role to play in sleep training- should be able to commit to a consistent sleep training schedule.
    3. Establish a bedtime routine- Babies will start to associate this routine with learning to relax and winding down for the night.
    4. Finding the right time for sleep training- when babies yawn or are tired.
    5. Don’t respond to every cry, noise- need space to teach your baby the skill of sleep training.
    6. Parents should be confident in themselves.

    Baby sleep songs

    Exposing a baby to music at an early stage helps in the development of the baby and ensures that your baby will grow healthy. Lullaby soothes your infant by slowing their heart rate.

    Where does the word lullabies come from?

    The name "lullabies" is derived from the noises "lala" or "lulu" produced by mothers or nurses to soothe their babies. Another lulling sound is "bye," which is also a phrase for "goodnight." A lullaby, also known as a cradle song, is a song that tells a tale to put newborns and little children to sleep.

    Effect of music on babies in the womb:

    Music has a calming and uplifting effect on the pregnant mother, as well as a positive impact on the unborn baby. The infant hears its first sound around 16 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. The small ears begin to grow fast around 24 weeks, and newborns have been observed turning their heads in reaction to sounds and noise. Unborn babies may detect their mother's voice, native language, word patterns, and rhymes during the last few months of pregnancy.

    How can music help develop a young child’s brain?

    Music stimulates all aspects of a child's development and prepares them for school, notably language acquisition and reading abilities. Learning to play a musical instrument can help students improve their arithmetic skills and perhaps raise their grades.

    How can music soothe a baby to help her to sleep?

    Music evokes feelings, and it's a nice complement to a baby's bedtime ritual. Soft, soothing, relaxing music aids in the creation of a quiet environment that supports their sleeping patterns. A familiar melody, piece of music, or song might be compared to a music therapy session. Slow, soothing, repetitive music causes the heartbeat to slow down, allowing for calmer and deeper breathing. When singing, don't underestimate the power of the mother's, father's, or any other caregiver's voice. Her tone is soothing, and the beat is familiar.

    Best musical instruments for toddler:

    Vocal chords are the only intrinsic instruments that humans have developed. Other instruments that can be used to help soothe a baby include clapping, stomping, snapping, and patting on the legs. You may also pick a wooden spoon and use it to play with your child or on a pot. Toy drums, shakers or rattles, glockenspiel, xylophones, and maracas are some of the musical instruments you can get for your kids.

    How to choose the best music to put your baby to sleep?

    Music may be an important element of a baby's sleep routine and can aid in his or her sleep. When the wrong sort of music is played in the wrong way, it might create more issues than it solves. The goal is to turn off the music before the child falls asleep and to make it as dull as possible.

    If music is played for sleep every night, the infant may get reliant on it, making bedtime more difficult rather than easier.

    Understanding baby sleep music:

    1. Music may become a crutch — music can help a baby go asleep, but if the youngster gets reliant on it, they will be limited in their alternatives while they are away from home.
    2. Robust sleepers are sound sleepers, and a newborn may be trained to sleep in a variety of situations, including with ordinary ambient noise and minimal sleep crutches.
    3. Music can be used in sleep rituals to indicate to a newborn that bedtime is approaching. Lowering the lights and playing music might assist to make this custom more bearable.
    4. Elevator music is favoured because it stimulates the senses. If parents want to include music in their child's bedtime routine, quiet lullabies, calming classical music, or 'spa music' are excellent options.
    5. White noise blocks sound better - if a baby's environment is too distracting, parents can use a sound machine to drown it out. One that operates indefinitely is preferable than one that runs on a timer.

    20 lullabies for babies to help them to sleep:

    1. Rock-a-Bye Baby
    2. Goodnight
    3. Simple gifts
    4. Brahm’s lullaby
    5. Twinkle, twinkle little star
    6. Amazing Grace
    7. Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight
    8. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
    9. Star Light, Star Bright
    10. All the pretty little horses
    11. You Are My Sunshine
    12. Hush Little Bbay
    13. When you wish Upon a star
    14. Somewhere over the rainbow
    15. Stay awake
    16. Beautiful Dreamer
    17. All through the night
    18. It’s Raining, It’s Pouring
    19. What a wonderful world
    20. Isn’t she lovely

    Discover Ted and Luna’s range

    What is bamboo?

    Bamboo blankets are one of the most cutting-edge goods available. This blanket is made to provide warmth while also preventing excessive heat from accumulating beneath it. This breathable fabric allows air to escape, providing the ideal sleeping temperature throughout the year. Bamboo fabric is naturally antibacterial and hypoallergenic, making it perfect for a baby's sensitive skin.

    Our new up-and-coming mother and baby brand offer nursery and sleep products like cribs, baby blankets, cot sheets, sleep sacks, towels, etc to help babies have a goodnight's sleep thus boosting their growth and development. Every product produced is safe and adheres to the safety requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Our baby blankets, for example, are made of bamboo that absorbs moisture easily allowing it to keep your baby warm no matter the circumstance. Thus, mothers do not have to worry about the safety of their babies and can have peace of mind reducing their stress levels and anxiety. Moreover, mothers do not have to worry about the price of the products as they are quite affordable when compared to their competitors.

    Ted and Luna’s product range

    Cocoon Sleep Bag: 

    Ted and Luna offers the safest and softest Cocoon Sleeping Bags also known as a sleep sack, for baby’s sound sleep. They provide dual benefits of a safe baby swaddle and blanket. As the sack moves with the baby, it leaves no chance for loose bedding caught in the baby's face or being unable to roll on its back which can happen with traditional swaddles. It eliminates suffocation and thus reduces the risks of SIDS. 

    They are extremely soft and gentle and are made of bamboo fabric which is ideal for baby’s sensitive skin. Bamboo material is hypoallergenic because of bamboo kun (oeko tex certified), and toxin free. 95% of the sleep sack is made up of bamboo which is thermoregulating and thus absorbs and wicks moisture easily. 

    They are available in small (S) size with nickel free studs. The sleep sack transitions from arms in for babies that are 0-3 months old to arms out for babies that are 3-8 months old. Ted and Luna’s Cocoon Sleep Bags also lasts twice as long as other infant sleep sacks from baby swaddle experience to transition to arms out eventually. Zip placements come in 2 sizes -

    Small (S) - J-shaped zipper placements that are comfortable for tummy sleeping babies
    Medium (M) - Centre zipper for clearance at hem when the babies are mobile and may walk in their sacks.

    The two way zips ensure that the baby will not be fully exposed to temperature difference during night changes allowing them to sleep peacefully. The Cocoon Sleep Bags grow generously as the baby grows, even up to about 28 months.

    The Cocoon Sleep Bags are also sustainable and eco-friendly. They are water efficient as bamboo fabric requires 200 times less water than cotton. Bamboo grows fast at a rate of 4 cm/hr and are harvestable within 3-4 years. They regenerate on their own and require 10 times less volume than cotton. As little as 12 gallons of water is required to produce one pound of bamboo fabric. Because of its fast growth, they also do not require chemicals and pesticides to grow. 

    Crib sheet:

    Cot sheets offered by Ted and Luna are irresistably soft, gentle and naturally cool for baby to sleep safely. The cot sheets are made up of bamboo which is thermoregulating and thus absorbs and wicks moisture easily. They are hypoallergenic and toxin free too.

    They are extremely safe for infants as they leave no chance for loose bedding with fully elasticised edges and thus reduces the risks of SIDS. Ted and Luna’s cot sheets weigh about 220 grams per square meter with 95% bamboo and 5% jersey knit.

    Similar to our Cocoon Sleep Bag, the cot sheets are sustainable and eco-friendly.

    Baby blanket:

    Ted and Luna’s perfectly sized and soft baby blankets serve as a great first cuddly companion for the baby. Similar to other Ted and Luna’s products, 95% is made up of bamboo material and thus absorbs and wicks moisture easily. They are gentle and cooling fabric perfect for the baby’s sensitive skin. 

    They are portable and easy to fold and store and serve multiple purposes. They can be used as receiving blankets on the way from hospitals, can serve as a soft spot to lay on during tummy time, can be used as covers on cars and strollers, and as a naptime blanket on the first day at preschool. 

    They are perfectly sized in the sense that they are large enough to be multi-functional without being too large that excess fabric would roll or tangle or add bulk and get in the way.

    Ted and Luna’s baby blankets, like the Cocoon Sleep Bags and crib sheets, are extremely safe, sustainable and eco-friendly. 

    Toddler quilt:

    Last but not least, Ted and Luna’s toddler quilts are also made up of bamboo material. Thus they are thermoregulating, safe, hypoallergenic and free of toxins. They too are sustainable and eco-friendly.

    The toddler quilts are quilted for comfort and are large enough to wrap around toddlers and children making them feel cozy. They are larger than any other bamboo blankets available in the market for young children but are large enough to stay on the bed.